Mª Ángeles Rodríguez Arenas

M. Ángeles Rodríguez Arenas, Graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Granada, Doctor in Public Health from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Additional training: Master in Public Health in 1990 (CUSP-UAM), Master in Anthropology in 1993 (UCM), International Master in Humanitarian Medicine in 1999 (UMH), and Diploma of Specialization in Direction and Management of Cooperation Programs in 1997 (UAM), Diploma of Specialization in Public Health and Gender in 2011 (National School of Health).

My professional practice in the field of intervention has been clinical in a provincial center for care for drug users in Granada; at the management level, directing state programs for care for excluded people (immigrants without resources, programs for prostituted women and prevention of HIV/AIDS in drug users) from the central office in Madrid of the NGO Doctors of the World; and as a field epidemiologist at the Public Health Centre in Denia, Alicante.
My most extensive professional career has been in the fields of teaching and research, which I have combined, starting with a Scholarship for Initiation to Research in Prevalent Pathologies of the Community of Madrid, which I enjoyed at the University Centre for Public Health, where I began to collaborate on various research projects, to continue in the National Plan on Drugs, in Doctors of the World and in the Foundation for Cooperation and International Health of the Carlos III Health Institute, working on projects of the AIDS Research Network, from the Miguel Hernández University, where I was also a professor in the Department of Public Health, with undergraduate teaching in Medicine, Pharmacy and Occupational Therapy.

As a Senior Scientist at the Carlos III Health Institute (2009), I have directed the Master's Degree in Public Health at the National School of Health (ENS) and the University of Alcalá, and the Diploma of Specialization in Public Health and Gender at the ENS. I have also coordinated the Public Health Tools Module of the Master's Degree in Tropical Medicine and International Health at the UAM, the Health Specialization of the Master's Degree in Abuse and Gender Violence at the UNED, the Health and Society Module of the Master's Degree in Public Health at the ENS-UNED, and I have participated occasionally in postgraduate programs and other courses at various universities on gender as a determinant of health, gender and interpersonal violence, and on intervention in humanitarian crises.

My lines of research have been the social determinants of health and the risks of HIV infection and progression to AIDS in especially exposed populations, such as injecting drug users and prostituted women, until 2014. Later I focused on gender inequalities in women's health and on studies on gender and interpersonal violence. I have produced various scientific publications, technical reports, book chapters and popular articles on these topics.

I am part of the Plenary Session of the Women's Health Observatory (OSM), of the Ministry of Health. I participate in several of the Observatory's working groups and collaborate at a technical level in several of its publications, such as the Annual Report on Gender Violence. I coordinate the Equality Working Group of the ISCIII and the Health, Gender and Diversity Working Group of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology.
At the level of political advocacy, I have been part of the Board of Directors of Doctors of the World, the Spanish Society of Humanitarian Medicine (SEMHU) and the Feminist Forum of Madrid.

