


Chronic pain affects approximately a quarter of the population in Spain, negatively impacting the quality of life of people who suffer from it, in their relationships with their family, work, friends, etc.,. Scientific evidence supports that moderate exercise can be an effective therapeutic tool for pain management. Regular and controlled physical activities not only help …

The work Health and Women: Research on the Social and Gender Dimension, highlights the need to integrate gender perspectives in the field of health. Edited by María Isabel García Rodríguez and Lourdes Biedma Velázquez, this collaborative work reflects on how health cannot be separated from the structural inequalities of the sex-gender system. As a whole, …

The Servimedia news agency is hosting a round table discussion with Grünenthal on Thursday 13 June at 12 noon on its ‘Women and Pain’ Platform, an initiative that aims to raise social awareness for the study and research of pain in women, through institutional and professional participation. The general director of Servimedia, José Manuel González …

Promoted by the Organisation of Medical Colleges (OMC) in collaboration with Viatris

On March 5, 2024, the White Paper on Health and Gender in Spain was presented in the Congress of Deputies. This project was led by the Health Observatory and Communication Study and was presented with the support of Francina Armengol, president of the Congress of Deputies. This initiative is a scientific and rigorous vision, in …

  CATALAN SOCIETY OF PAIN March 1, 2024 ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES 8.30-8.50 Information gathering 8.50-9.00 Presentation Marta Ferrándiz. President of the Catalan Pain Society Elena Català. President of the Women and Pain Platform 9.00-11.00 1.- CHRONIC PAIN, DISEASE AND COMORBIDITY Moderator: MaLuisa Franco. Bilbao. Differences in Chronic Pain between Men and Women: How Much, …

‘Reporte Semanal’ talks about fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome. One and a half million people live with pain, affected by numerous ailments and they are mainly suffered by women. It is another of those diseases with a thousand faces that, in some cases, takes years to diagnose. Doctor Antonio Collado, who …

Science and medicine have a long and troubling history of reinforcing racist, anti-ethnic, and sexist attitudes and beliefs. Pain science is no exception. Misconceptions about pain sensitivity propounded by physicians and scientists during the 19th and 20th centuries reified existing social hierarchies, continuing to this day. Pain care remains heavily influenced by prejudices and misconceptions …

The Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) has just published the book “Neurology and Women” with the aim of trying to improve the management of neurological diseases in women. This book, which is an update on the management of the most prevalent neurological pathologies, analyses in detail all the particularities that each of them has in …

COLLOQUIUM: Dr. Juani Lafaja, gynecologist Irene Ateriod, sexologist Ana Peisó, Clinical Pharmacologist Saturday 11/4/2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pynchon&Co Bookstore, Alicante

The “ALASS 2022 Webinar Series” addresses several discussion topics on issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic with a comparative perspective across countries and health systems. 10/25/2023 – THE SOCIAL LEGITIMACY OF PAIN. Presenters: – Rafael Serrano del Rosal. Research Professor at IESA-CSIC (Spain), he holds a PhD in Sociology and since 2017 he has been …

Grela Bravo, psychologist, mediator, poet and writer, talks about chronic pain and offers us her point of view on how to deal with it.  

A 4-year predoctoral scholarship is offered for candidates with a master’s degree in neurosciences or related sciences who wish to complete their doctorate at the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain) on affective neuromodulation and pain. The annual gross salary will be 25,840 euros, with annual increases. The deadline to apply for the scholarship will …

Pain is one of the most frequent reasons for consultation in primary care. Men and women have different responses to the same pain stimuli, making increased sensitivity to pain more prevalent in the female sex, as well as pathologies causing persistent pain. Currently, there is a considerable gender bias both socially and in the medical …

A new study on the situation of PAIN in Spain, carried out by the Pain Observatory of the University of Cadiz with the support of the Grünenthal Foundation, confirms that CHRONIC PAIN affects a quarter of the adult population, especially affecting women. This study was presented in Madrid on April 25 at the “Pain Forum: …

  Dr. Antonio Collado Doctor of Medicine, specialist in Rheumatology and co-author of ‘Fibromyalgia. Essential advice and treatments’ Dr. Antonio Collado, a rheumatologist and expert in fibromyalgia, talks to us about the latest advances in the treatment of this disease that causes chronic musculoskeletal pain and offers advice to alleviate its symptoms.   “In fibromyalgia, …

– This Friday marks World Fibromyalgia Day – More than 276,000 people suffer from this pathology in Spain Grela Bravo is a clinical psychologist, social and intercultural mediator, writer, co-founder of the platform ‘Mujer y Dolor’, but above all she is a woman who has reconciled herself with her illness, fibromyalgia, to the point of …
