© Maria Natalia
Maria Isabel Martin Fontelles
Maribel, profesora, científica, compañera, amiga pero sobre todo maestra
nos ha dejado lo mejor de ella, su inmensa luz como persona y como profesional.
Su compromiso, cercanía y generosidad deja un hueco insustituible en nuestro corazón.
Tus amigos y compañeros de la Plataforma Mujer y Dolor
IV SEMDOR Congress, Valencia 2024.
Sex and gender differences in pain.
Dr. Karenn Davis
Chronic pain is one of the main serious health consequences in the population and two out of three people who suffer from it are women. Its consequences can be devastating, generating significant limitations with serious effects on socio-economic independence. In addition, this situation, especially in women, can generate a lack of social opportunities, inequalities and exclusions, not sufficiently evaluated, which are enhanced by the educational, labor and economic gap related to gender.
This situation justifies the need to deepen the knowledge of the development of chronic pain and its bio-psycho-social mechanisms, with a more concrete analysis of its impact in terms of public health and social opportunity in relation to gender.
The “Women and Pain” PLATFORM is an initiative that arose from the concern of several professionals involved in different areas of our society, constituting itself as an independent association with a social and scientific, multidisciplinary character, which aims to promote social awareness for the study or research of pain in women in areas related to illness, violence and society, through the participation of institutions and professionals who focus on chronic pain and its consequences on women.
We intend to bring together all those people, institutions, societies or public or private organizations that believe and feel identified with the mission and objectives of the Women and Pain Platform in order to make this non-profit project the reality that we all hope for.
We encourage you to join this exciting project.
Pain in women with endometriosis
Francisco Carmona
The International Society for the Study of Pain (IASP) global campaign for 2024 focuses on sex and gender disparities in pain. Its aim is to highlight the inequalities that occur in pain related to sex and gender, in order to better understand why they occur, and to consider the implications they may have on the way we are managing it.
The IASP, through leading experts, has developed a series of Fact Sheets that focus on the key questions we often ask ourselves, which we leave at your disposal
- Overview of Sex and Gender Differences in Human Pain. (See document 1)
- Gender Differences in Chronic Pain Conditions. (See document 2)
- Engendering pain: psychosocial mechanisms underlying sex-related differences in pain. Engendering Pain: Psychosocial Mechanisms Underlying Sex-related Differences in Pain (See Document 3)
- Intersectionality and Pain Across the Life Course (See Document 4)
Avui s'ha dut a terme el Curs Aplicació de la perspectiva de gènere en la docència en l'àmbit de la salut a @FIF_UdL @infermeriaudl amb @concepciofuent1 de @UdGInfermeria i Yolanda Castellano ¡Gràcies!
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