Rafael Serrano-del-Rosal
Rafael Serrano-del-Rosal is a Research Professor (Chair) at IESA-CSIC and Doctor in Political Science and Sociology -Sociology- (University of Granada, 1999). In 2017 he took over the position of Director of the Institute for Advanced Social Studies, where he is also responsible for one of its 4 research groups, specifically the one called Social Identity, Subjective Well-being and Human Behavior (IBC).
At the beginning of his research career, his interest focused mainly on collective action and the representation of interests in contemporary democracies, especially in what is traditionally known as class unions. However, for twenty years now, already in his postdoctoral stage, his work and interests have focused on the confluence of three areas of research: A) design, analysis and comprehensive evaluation of public policies (mainly in the field of health and provision of health services), B) subjective well-being and satisfaction and C) sociology of health.
She currently has an open research program, together with her colleagues at the IBC, on the broad and complex topic of the social and gender dimension of health, within the framework of which two lines of research are developed. One on the social and gender dimension of pain, and another on the end-of-life process and more specifically on what have come to be called "exit rights".
Between 2006 and 2012 she was an advisory member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Area Commission of the CSIC. She is a Founding Member and was Vice-President between 2008 and 2012 of the Andalusian Association of Sociology (integrated into the FES since 2009). From 2018 to 2022 she was an Elected Member of the FES Federal Assembly and since 2014 she has chaired the Research Network on the End of Life (Red_Eol). She is a member of Working Group III for monitoring gender equality actions in R&D&I of the Women, Science and Innovation Observatory. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Sociology and a regular evaluator of different national and international journals. He frequently teaches in different Master's and expert courses related to his research fields at different universities, as well as in specialized institutions such as the Andalusian School of Public Health or the Deusto Business School.