COLLOQUIUM: Dr. Juani Lafaja, gynecologist Irene Ateriod, sexologist Ana Peisó, Clinical Pharmacologist Saturday 11/4/2023 at 6:30 p.m. at the Pynchon&Co Bookstore, Alicante
Month: October 2023
ALASS webinar series
The “ALASS 2022 Webinar Series” addresses several discussion topics on issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic with a comparative perspective across countries and health systems. 10/25/2023 – THE SOCIAL LEGITIMACY OF PAIN. Presenters: – Rafael Serrano del Rosal. Research Professor at IESA-CSIC (Spain), he holds a PhD in Sociology and since 2017 he has been …
Grela Bravo and her vision of chronic pain (VIDEO)
Grela Bravo, psychologist, mediator, poet and writer, talks about chronic pain and offers us her point of view on how to deal with it.