Sofia Olarte
For 33 years I have dedicated my professional activity exclusively and without interruption to the University, in the Department of Labor Law and Social Security of the University of Granada, dedicated to teaching and research, in addition to having held university management positions.
I have five research periods (six-year periods) recognized by the CNAI and one state research transfer period. I have taught different subjects in the discipline in five degree courses, as well as in various master's degrees, two of them in occupational risk prevention (degrees of the University of Granada). Every year I have directed TFMs and TFGs. I have also directed doctoral theses (4), I currently direct two, and I am a member of the Academic Committee of the Doctorate in Legal Sciences (and previously its coordinator).
In the field of research, I have written solo monographs (6), book chapters (112), articles in indexed scientific journals (148). I have participated in 14 research projects (national and regional-Andalusia calls), having been IP in one of them from the MINECO on contemporary forms of slavery from a gender perspective. The last project in which I have participated, also at a national level, has been related to algorithmic discrimination: gender and work.
In the field of transfer, I have signed various research contracts for unions, foundations, mutual insurance companies for work accidents and social security (one on addictions at work and another on psychosocial risks at work), the Ministry of Defense.
In addition, for eleven years I have been a labor arbitrator within the CEMAC and SERCLA of Andalusia.
I currently have part-time work on a research project of the Andalusian Government on social protection of people with disabilities. I have been participating in national and regional observatories in various matters related to discrimination and occupational risks.
I regularly participate in national, international and regional conferences, congresses and seminars, both in the scientific field of the discipline and in the professional field (judiciary, legal profession and Labour Inspection), presenting communications and giving lectures on request, as is the case of the National Association of Labour Law and Social Security, the Andalusian Council of Labour Relations, the National Association of Labour Lawyers, the General Council of the Judiciary, several Bar Associations and the Constitutional Court. I am a member of the editorial board of three national high-impact journals (Trabajo y Derecho, Revista Española de Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social and Revista del Centro de Estudios Financieros), as well as an evaluator in journals and of projects in various quality agencies. In the field of university management, I have been vice-dean of new degrees, having written the dissertations for two double degrees (Business Administration and Law and Political Science and Law), the coordinator of the PhD in Legal Sciences at the University of Granada, Erasmus coordinator and tutor and member of committees such as academic planning, external internships, the governing committee of the Faculty of Law and member of the steering committee of the Granada Legal Practice Foundation.