Sonia Pedrosa
Sonia Isabel Pedrosa Alquézar is a Professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the University of Zaragoza. In the academic years 1998-2000 she was a Professor of the same discipline at the Carlos III University of Madrid.
She is part of the Consolidated Research Group of the Government of Aragon Labour Law-University of Zaragoza and has participated - as an active member or principal investigator - in various Projects and Research Contracts of special relevance with companies and Administrations.
She is a member of the Quality Assurance Commission of the Master's Degree in Gender Relations, as well as the Quality Assurance Commission of the Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention. She is also a member of the Joint Commission of the FCC Chair of Occupational Risk Prevention and Human Resources and the Health and Safety Committee.
Her research career has spanned two topics of special relevance today, Occupational Health and Gender Equality, which she has interrelated on several occasions.
Her most recent interventions in Occupational Health and/or Gender Perspective include:
-Speaker at the 5th Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Safety and Health at Work. Conciliation, co-responsibility and disconnection policies in SMEs: successful practices with the theme “Diagnosis, incorporation and criticism of co-responsibility measures in the company”, UNIR, December 16, 2021
-Speaker at the Advanced Course on Equality, Workplace and Sexual Harassment, Family Co-responsibility and Women's Professional Careers, UNED, November 2021
-Member of the Technical Committee of the 4th, 5th and 6th, and 7th National Congress on Risk Prevention of the University of Zaragoza (2015, 2017, 2019, 2021).
In 2001 she was awarded the “Concepción Gimeno de Flaquer” Prize for her research on Comprehensive Women's Health, Lack of Effective Protection and in 2003 she was the runner-up of the Spanish Data Protection Agency award.
Among her publications related to Occupational Health and/or Gender Perspective, the following can be highlighted:
-“Protection against stress and techno-stress in times of pandemic”, in VVAA, Rivas Vallejo, P; Monereo Pérez, J.L; Moreno Vida, N; Vila Tierno, F; Alvarez Cortés, J.L (Dirs.); Pedrosa Alquézar, S.I; Fernández Ramírez, M (Coords.): Health and health care in times of COVID-19 pandemic (Volume II)
-“Measures of co-responsibility in the company”, in VVAA. Sierra Hernáiz, E; Vallejo Dacosta, R. (Dirs.), Pedrosa Alquézar. S.I. (Coordinator): Design and Implementation of Equality Plans in Companies: Key Issues, Thomson Reuters, 2020
- “Health surveillance and data protection”, Journal of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Social Security, No. 138, 2018, pp. 163-186
- The legal treatment of psychosocial risks (as Director of the monograph, together with García Blasco, J.), Secretariat of Labor Health of UGT-CEC, Madrid, 2010
- “The impact of workplace harassment on the health of working women”, Journal of Labor and Social Security CEF, No. 261, 2004