Pedro Montoya Jimenez. Mujer y Dolor


Pedro Montoya Jimenez

Pedro Montoya Jimenez studied Psychology at the Complutense University in 1986 and completed his academic and scientific training with stays at German universities until 1997. His teaching and academic career in Spain began in 1997 with a position as a professor at the University of the Balearic Islands. He is currently a professor of Psychobiology at the same university. In this career, teaching and research tasks have been combined with university management. In this sense, he has organized and implemented teaching and research in the area of ​​Psychobiology at the University of the Balearic Islands. Another notable aspect of this career is the commitment to internationalization both in teaching (participation in the ERASMUS program) and in research (close scientific collaborations with different foreign research groups).

Since 1997, Pedro Montoya has published more than 90 scientific articles in ISI-high-impact journals and has obtained funding worth approximately 1,000,000 euros through various projects of the MICINN National R&D&i Plan, the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, competitive projects of private foundations (Fundació La Marató de TV3, Fundación BIAL), autonomous projects (hiring technicians and interns, special actions, acquisition of scientific material, agreements with the administration). He has also enjoyed a sabbatical year at Northwestern University (USA, 2006-07 academic year), the University of Tübingen (Germany, 2013-14 academic year) and the Universidade Federal de Bahia (Brazil, 2013-14 academic year). He has presented numerous posters and given oral contributions at national and international conferences on Neuroscience, Pain and Psychology. She has directed and co-directed more than 15 doctoral theses at the University of Tübingen (Germany) and at the University of the Balearic Islands, as well as several master's theses.
H-indexes: 26 (ResearcherID), 35 (Google Scholar), 28 (Scopus)

Her commitment to research and training related to chronic pain and her special attention to pain from diseases that particularly affect women has accompanied her throughout her professional career.

